
2021年UWP写作展示. 语言改变世界.

Congratulations to the 2021写作展示 Awardees!

Orange Fireworks with text 2021 writing showcase awards


获奖者:Briyanna Moore(她/她)  

Project Title: “黑发的意义” (视觉的文章) 




Presentation Title: "Becoming One With the 心理学 Discourse Community"



First Place Awardee: John Jewitt (he/him) 

Project Title: "The Semester of Stress: The Stresses of COVID-19 and BGSU 学生"


Second Place Awardee: Madison Bartosch (she/her)

Poster Title: "The Foundations of an Effective Lesson Plan for Young Learners"



博天堂官方网站及其校园所在的地区位于大黑沼泽和下五大湖地区. This land is the homeland of the Wyandot, 基卡普人, 迈阿密, 帕塔瓦米语, Odawa, and multiple other Indigenous tribal nations, 现在和过去, who were forcibly removed to and from the area. 我们认识到我们在非殖民化历史努力中的这些历史和当代联系,并感谢自古以来一直在这片土地上生活和工作的土著个人和社区.


* 主席致辞全文 .pdf



There are two types of pre-recorded presentations.  
5分钟预先录制的演示- 短 & 信息与关键要点. Think of a Vox, Buzzfeed, or NowThis style video.
15分钟预先录制的演示- Longer in-depth informational presentation. Think of a TedTalk/ Documentary style video.

"Becoming One With the 心理学 Discourse Community"

作者:Alexis Tremaine(她/她)

在这个演讲中, I will be discussing why it is important for individuals to be competent in a discourse community. As a psychology major, my focus will be on the psychology discourse community. I examined the importance of the language used within the community, 用佩里·克拉斯(Perri Klass)的文章《博天堂官方网站》(Hers: She’s’Your Basic L)来强调从局外人变成会员的感觉.O.L. 在N.A.D.实习生说.’” I took into account the research done by Pierre Bayman and Richard E. Mayer regarding the language of calculators. A final piece I used comes from discursive psychologist Sally Wiggens, 他的论文《心理学质的博天堂官方网站》讨论了话语心理学和与他人交流的重要性. In my work, I looked into the importance of language. The reason behind that is because each community has specific terminology. That terminology allows individuals to better understand the various concepts within the group. With the knowledge of both the terminology and concepts, members can communicate better with each other and non-members. 我希望告诉听众,为什么理解话语社区使用的语言对成为该社区的一员至关重要.


我叫亚历克西斯. I am a first-year at 州立鲍灵格林大学, majoring in both Criminal Justice and 心理学. Starting college during the Covid-19 pandemic has been rough, but I have found ways to help keep myself grounded the self-care, and spending time with the people I love. 当我毕业时,我计划在法医心理学方面追求我的梦想职业,能够正确地表达我的想法是该领域所需的一项关键技能. 这就是为什么我要和大家分享成为心理学话语界的佼佼者的重要性.


海报展示 communicate a topic using a poster and a brief explanation.

"The Semester of Stress: The Stresses of COVID-19 and BGSU 学生"


My topic for the 作品展示 is how students have dealt with classes being online. How have their social lives been affected, 他们的成绩受到了怎样的影响, and how has their mental health been affected. 我开始对我的写作展示提案的主题感兴趣,因为我想知道BGSU的学生对在线课程是如何做的. I know 为我自己 that I had been struggling this semester. I wanted to know how students here were doing, 他们的成绩是更好还是更差, was it easier or harder for them to make friends, 最后,他们的心理健康是否因为不允许亲自上课和对许多事情的限制而变得更好或更糟


My name is John Jewitt and some of my interests and passions are about sports. I love playing sports, watching, and learning more about it. My topic for the 作品展示 is how students have dealt with classes being online. How have their social lives been affected, 他们的成绩受到了怎样的影响, and how has their mental health been affected. 我开始对我的写作展示提案的主题感兴趣,因为我想知道BGSU的学生对在线课程是如何做的.

 "The Foundations of an Effective Lesson Plan for Young Learners"


博天堂官方网站 on writing in education focuses on specific examples and structure. 这个想法让我想知道,在幼儿和特殊教育课堂上制定课程计划的基础是什么,以及它们的明显效果是什么. 我回答这个问题的方法是从相关主题的老师那里获得教案,并询问学生有一个结构化的教案是如何影响他们的学习成果的. I found that there are many different ways teachers can go about writing lesson plans, they tend to revolve around the students they are teaching and the way they learn. 我选择这个主题来创建我的项目,因为教学计划是课堂上一个重要的方面,以便在教授年轻和有特殊需要的学生时保持结构. 我喜欢了解不同的教案制作方法,不仅是它们的结构形式,还有创造性的一面. I believe that this is an important topic to learn about because every teacher creates lesson plans, 这意味着像我这样的未来教师需要一个地方,他们可以去阅读教案的不同方面,以及他们的做和不做.


My name is Madison Bartosch and I am an inclusive early childhood education major. I really enjoy reading and spending time with my friends and family. 我发现,在COVID-19期间,有些方面的学习比其他方面更容易,比如在线课程, 然而,不能在面对面的课堂上交到很多朋友是一种挣扎. 大学毕业后,我希望在一所预算较低的学校工作,这所学校非常需要一名特殊需求教师或一名年轻学生教师. 我计划每天在课堂上用写作来制定课程计划,并帮助我的学生通过博天堂官方来拓展他们的创造力. 我之所以对课程计划基金会感兴趣,是因为我一直想教有特殊需要的年轻学生,让他们能够改变世界, 做这个博天堂官方网站项目给了我一个帮助,让我在未来的职业生涯中脱颖而出,并帮助我更好地为未来的学生做计划.

* 简要说明-麦迪逊.多克斯
Poster Description and Brief Explanation (Download)
屏幕-射- 2021 - 04 - 16 -在- 7所示.24.20-AM


其博天堂官方网站 包含一系列博天堂官方网站方法和策略,在调查中利用一种或多种艺术. 这种方法是从认识到生活和世界的经历是多方面的演变而来的, 艺术提供了认识世界的方式,包括感官知觉、情感和智力反应”(格林伍德), 2019).


作者:Briyanna Moore(她/她)   

This video illustrates the significance of hair to the Black community. 在本视频中, I touch on the history of African American hair, how it has steadily evolved over the years, and how it is perceived by American and international societies. 我选择这个主题的灵感来自于我们的各种对话,以及我们在我的WRIT 1120H课程中读到的关于这个主题的一些讲博天堂官方的作品. 与我的社区有关的不同发型对我来说也是天生重要的. 因此 my goal for this project was to explore, 为我自己, the reasons why I and other black people feel a sense of protection of our hair; and put the information that I found in an accessible way for others outside of the black community to be able to learn from.


你好! 我叫Briyanna Moore. 成为弱势群体和少数群体的倡导者是我整个高中时代的激情所在, and has continued to grow throughout my experience so far at BGSU. While being a student during the COVID-19 pandemic has brought it's challenges, 它也给我带来了很多机会来发展我的兴趣,并参加了许多校园活动, such as the 本科 Symposium and this 作品展示. Writing is something that I love to do in my free time. It serves as a way for me to creatively express myself, and also advocate for the communities I am apart of or an ally for. 因此, 在我大学经历之后, I plan on continuing to write for my self-made blog, 一切都很简单, 讲述我在生活中学到的不同教训,并倡导我所相信的事情. 我选择写关于头发对黑人社区的意义的灵感来自于我在WRIT 1120H博天堂官方网站写作荣誉研讨会上读到的各种对话和一些讲博天堂官方的作品, a course I took in the fall that addressed storytelling and anti-racism.

* Briyanna- Final 博天堂官方网站 Project Essay (1).pdf
